
Deploying an Aqueduct Application on a Local Machine

For other deployment options, see Deploying Aqueduct Applications.


To run a local development version of an Aqueduct application with persistent storage. This is useful when developing client applications with an Aqueduct application. Make sure to also read Testing Aqueduct Applications.


  1. Dart has been installed.
  2. PostgreSQL has been installed locally.
  3. Aqueduct has been activated globally.
  4. An application has been created with aqueduct create.

If one or more of these is not true, see Getting Started.


  1. Create a local database.
  2. Upload the application schema to the local database.
  3. Add an OAuth 2.0 client.
  4. Modify the configuration file.
  5. Run the application.

Estimated Time: 5 minutes.

Step 1: Create a Local Database

Create a database with the same name as your application and a user that can access that database. Run the following SQL locally with a user that has privileges to create databases.

ALTER USER app_name_user WITH PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
GRANT ALL ON DATABASE app_name TO app_name_user;

dart_test database

Do not use the name 'dart_test' for the database; this database is used by Aqueduct to run tests by default.

Step 2: Upload the Application Schema

If you have not yet created database migration files for your project, run the database schema generation tool from the project directory:

aqueduct db generate

This command creates the file migrations/00000001_initial.migration.dart. Now, run the database migration tool to execute the migration file against the local database. Ensure that the values for the option --connect match those of the database created in the last step.

aqueduct db upgrade --connect postgres://app_name_user:yourpassword@localhost:5432/app_name

(Note that you may provide database credentials in a file named database.yaml instead of using --connect. See aqueduct db --help for details.)

Step 3: Add an OAuth 2.0 client.

If you are using package:aqueduct/managed_auth, you'll want to create an OAuth2 client identifier. From the command line, run the following, ensuring that the values for the option --connect match the recently created database.

aqueduct auth add-client --id com.app_name.standard --secret abcdefghi --connect postgres://app_name_user:yourpassword@localhost:5432/app_name

Step 4: Modify the Configuration File

If config.yaml doesn't exist, create it by copying the configuration file template config.yaml.src.

In config.yaml, update the database credentials to the local database.

 username: app_name_user
 password: yourpassword
 host: localhost
 port: 5432
 databaseName: app_name

Step 5: Run the Application

From the project directory, run:

aqueduct serve

Your application is now running. You may also run the generated start script in your project's bin directory:

dart bin/main.dart

If you restart the application, the data in your database will remain.